
21 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in AppMobi/ImpactJS Sale:

This is a message for anyone else who has issues/confusion about AppMobi. If…

1 decade ago in AppMobi/ImpactJS Sale:

Hey Guys, As I told jhoyle, I guess the fact that AppMobi has many Man U fan…

1 decade ago in combining all sprites sheets in one giant one?:

On mobile devices, we've found the opposite. We've had people trying…

1 decade ago in Possible to package for Iphone for sale ?:

Jerczu - all our tests indicate DC is still way faster then Safari on iOS5. I…

1 decade ago in packaging for the app store?:

yatayata - I banned your account from the forums, not your appmobi dev account.…

1 decade ago in iOSImpact: Incorrect mouse.x/y on touch:

Are you testing on your device, or just the simulator? The simulator is notori…

1 decade ago in packaging for the app store?:

MobiUS won't be available for Android for awhile. It's not "rel…

1 decade ago in packaging for the app store?:

I replied to this on the appmobi forums (and banned your account for flaming/tr…

1 decade ago in packaging for the app store?:

Hey Yatayata, Please point out the problems with our "Failapp" at …

1 decade ago in iOS5 canvas performance - tested:

Jerczu - Can't we all just get along ;) Ashkettle - I think you'…

1 decade ago in iOS5 canvas performance - tested:

We ran our HTML5 test versus our Direct Canvas test using Box2d At 14 elemen…

1 decade ago in Touch Controls:

Where'd you hear the DirectCanvas for Android by January ;) Android Web…

1 decade ago in appMobi / Impact games:

Here are the big issues we've seen with developers trying to port the game…

1 decade ago in Any guide to hosting ImpactJS assets on Amazon S3?:

Ken isn't using S3, he's got his on VPS. We use Amazon cloud service…

1 decade ago in native apps:

Check out There are three of us that are active on the…

1 decade ago in Congrats to TapJS!:

TapJS and Ken are on board at AppMobi. now He was just down here at headquarte…

1 decade ago in appMobi's DirectCanvas technology:

Tyler is out at E3 right now, but it's pretty cool. We're still buil…

1 decade ago in iOSImpact Beta: This demands a re-post.:

Curious why no mention of AppMobi on the blog post? We've been going full…

1 decade ago in Support for Android:

This really isn't anything to troll about. It's only in the web brow…

1 decade ago in Support for Android:

Android does not expose the multi touch parameters in the web browser, but iOS …

1 decade ago in Titanium Integration:

We've been having a blast playing with impactjs internally at appMobi. Le…