
28 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

10 years ago in Script editor?:

I'm quite fond of Notepad+

10 years ago in Free Art Assets for your prototyping!:

Thank you for this!

1 decade ago in Super Scrapped Robot:

No problem :)

1 decade ago in Super Scrapped Robot:

It looks good, but in firefox 30, it wouldn't let me get beyond the start.…

1 decade ago in Persistence Plugin (localStorage):

Thanks for sharing this!

1 decade ago in Escape From XP:

You're right. I tried it again using Firefox, it seems NoScript caused it…

1 decade ago in Escape From XP:

I loathe to use IE, but it was worth it to see your game. Humour (Br.E), awe…

1 decade ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

Agree with matteray- no need to rush. We know it will be worth the wait :)

1 decade ago in Facebook Screen Shot Post:

Looks useful. Thanks!

1 decade ago in PLEASE HELP DESPERATE.. Just purchased Impact, and need HELP..:

I seem to recall a similar problem when I first set up. I was using win7 ultima…

1 decade ago in Best IDE to begin:

I like to use notepad++

1 decade ago in Clipper - 2nd One game a month game:

I had trouble reading some of the letters for the nails-they were a little too …

1 decade ago in Flock Lord: The Awakening:

There's a typo in the storyline- "unbleivable." I really enjoye…

1 decade ago in Flock Lord: The Awakening:

Looks good, but the escape button didn't work for me when I tried to play…

1 decade ago in Planetoid Decimator:

I enjoyed that. Thanks!

1 decade ago in Z-type rip off????:

Glad to hear it's not what I thought it was :)

1 decade ago in Z-type rip off????:

Just a heads up. Today, I was surprised to see a familiar looking game in the v…

1 decade ago in Impact Engine vs Retina-caliper Graphics:

What's the name of your game? It looks awesome!

1 decade ago in effects.inked:


1 decade ago in Idealism:

Awesome! That was fun :)

1 decade ago in Working on a MMO:

already done :)

1 decade ago in Working on a MMO:

I'm afraid I completely disagree with the post about donation buttons. In…

1 decade ago in Forum upgrade?:

If there was to be an upgrade, I'd like to see something similar to Stacko…

1 decade ago in How do you monitor the Impact Forums for new posts?:

I added the RSS feed (add the bottom of this page) to my google reader. Never…

1 decade ago in What music you code to?:

Monty on the Run by Rob Hubbard From the C…

1 decade ago in Memory Quest:

I found moving from one room to another to be frustrating, if you are out by ev…

1 decade ago in RSS for the forum:

Awesome! Thanks for the link :)

1 decade ago in RSS for the forum:

Is it possible to set up an RSS feed for the Impact forum? I'd love to be…