
45 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Basic Zelda Demo:

i need to get the code again up and running ;)

1 decade ago in Populating a dropdown list with a file:

thats not nodejs ;) its impactjs anyway .. json is your friend .. construct…

1 decade ago in Set collision rect?:

well there is a other way as well .. > create your entity out of multiple en…

1 decade ago in Set collision rect?:

offset is the only way to limit the collision of an entity right now .. if y…

1 decade ago in Level logic on the server side:

1.) the server would decide who won in fact he knows the pos and just got keyst…

1 decade ago in Level logic on the server side:

what about just stream the keystroke to the server and do the positioning per s…

1 decade ago in Animation plays randomly:

why not use a stance variable .. what stance your in yet .. if your duck and sh…

1 decade ago in problem setting up impact:

the example does't need a webserver for it self .. you just need a webserv…

1 decade ago in Missing Pause function in ig.Sound class?:

i use soundmanger2 for exact that reasion + vollume controll

1 decade ago in PubNub:

and there are serveral implementations for that on github

1 decade ago in PubNub:

faye on node.js does the same .. and costs nothing if you got infastructure ..

1 decade ago in Installing on OS X 10.7 with XAMPP:

mamp runs regulary on 8888

1 decade ago in Speciality layer collision?:

well i use multiple collision layers for exactly that reasion.. to example walk…

1 decade ago in Ultra Awesome Zombie Shooter:

there was no offending regarding that .. i just mentioned it .. i actualy LO…

1 decade ago in CoffeeScript:

its quite common at node.js

1 decade ago in Ultra Awesome Zombie Shooter:

basicaly biolabs clone .. even the entitys are similar well at least the most o…

1 decade ago in Background images cuting and optimizinig:

example here :

1 decade ago in GUI system?:

chageing level is quite easy .. i got something done .. dynamic loading (ajax) …

1 decade ago in Impact Plugins?:

that just helps if you wana override core functions .. from impact

1 decade ago in Impact Plugins?:

basicaly its a regular js function with a "wrapper" nothing more

1 decade ago in Background images cuting and optimizinig:

it helps by alot of things . > to example if you got a graphic guy who dra…

1 decade ago in Deployment System SVN to Production enviroment incl. automatic baking:


1 decade ago in Background images cuting and optimizinig:

its not finaly done yet current status is about 80%

1 decade ago in Installing on OS X 10.7 with XAMPP:

paul you need to check where you installed your xampp .. but to be honest mamp…

1 decade ago in Background images cuting and optimizinig:

Hy guys i just wanted to ask how you guys crop and optimize your background…

1 decade ago in new attribute in weltmeister:

got it but would actualy like to have a hidden attribute at weltmeister to prev…

1 decade ago in Trouble capuring touch position:

wrong forum you might wana post that into help

1 decade ago in new attribute in weltmeister:

the collision layer loading works perfect .. the problem is preventing it from …

1 decade ago in new attribute in weltmeister:

hy there .. i got serveral collision maps and want to hide them pref. in weltme…

1 decade ago in Protect your code the right way ( I like it ):

i do agree at the script weight .. but that would be the only reasion .. as i m…