
53 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

8 years ago in How do I load a .txt file and assign to a variable?:

Hi, Im working on a little word game. I have a dictionary of words saved as …

9 years ago in Devil's Doom is now live in the iPhone App Store!:

Hi All, My game made with Impact and wrapped with Ejecta is now live in the ap…

9 years ago in Devil's Doom:

HI Everyone, We now have a teaser trailer for our game. Developed with Impa…

9 years ago in How to listen to events generated by Ejecta?:

I am having an issue with this. I trigger an event in Ejecta from a method c…

9 years ago in Help with extending Ejecta and Obj-C:

Hi folks, Can anyone provide any insight into using objective-c with Eject…

9 years ago in Latest Chartboost SDK 5.x with Ejecta:

Okay, After reading through the Chartboost docs (which are easy to follow) I…

9 years ago in Latest Chartboost SDK 5.x with Ejecta:

In the Chartboost 5.x sdk docs the named locations have been changed. Not sure …

9 years ago in Latest Chartboost SDK 5.x with Ejecta:

Hi, Has anyone got the latest chartboost sdk 5.x working with Ejecta ? I …

9 years ago in Chartboost with Ejecta:

Has anyone got this working with latest Chartboost sdk 5.x ?

9 years ago in Can anyone help with Ads using Cocoon JS?:

Hi, Haven't got any code to post just yet, still experimenting. I'…

9 years ago in Can anyone help with Ads using Cocoon JS?:

HI, I have my game runnig really nicely with CocoonJS. I'm now trying t…

9 years ago in Uploading zip file to Cocoon JS:

Ha ha ! Ok, so I was zipping at the folder level. Folcers relative path was…

9 years ago in Uploading zip file to Cocoon JS:

HI there, I have game running great through the Cocoon launcher on my device…

9 years ago in Audio with Cocoon Js:

Not sure what the problem was but I shut down my device and turned it back on, …

9 years ago in Audio with Cocoon Js:

Hi, Im trying to run my game through the cocoon js launcher app on iOS. G…

9 years ago in Weltmeister Broken - jquery-1.7.1.min.js Problem:

I've found that WM will chuck a wobbly occasionally when it doesn't l…

9 years ago in Snake entity:

Hi @ansimuz Are you able to share how you ended up achievng this? Also in th…

9 years ago in Collectic - LD31:

@krisjet How did you get TweenMax to work with Impact?

9 years ago in Script editor?:

I been happy with Sublime 2. @drhayes has these which I use too.. https:…

9 years ago in image size and scaling for ios/ejecta:

This is great! Exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks.

9 years ago in image size and scaling for ios/ejecta:

Hi there, First up many thanks to everyone ho has helped me along the way so…

10 years ago in Slow time effect how to?:

Want to slow down game time for everything but my player entity. I cam acros…

10 years ago in TweenLite Js:

Anyone got TweenlIte js working with impact 1.24? I found this link in the foru…

10 years ago in ImpactJS developers on Twitter?:


10 years ago in Animating to fixed position:

Ok, this is probably a dumb question.. I'm trying to do an animation …

10 years ago in Blend modes on backgroundMap:

How can I add a blend mode to a backgroundMapLayer. I know how to do it wit…

10 years ago in Composite blend modes:

Yes!! Thank you that's exactly what I was looking for!

10 years ago in baking Problem:

@nightbyter and @Joncom Thanks for the responses - appreciate that someones …

10 years ago in Composite blend modes:

Cheers for the response. I was on the right path with the #globalCompositeOper…

10 years ago in baking Problem:

Hi @dominic As above, I have this trouble too. My minified file still has dep…